Tuesday 27 April 2010

Influential Photographers

I wanted to take the opportunity to share some work by photographers who have influenced my current project 'An Intimate Distance', the title refers to the uncomfortable tension between me and the subject, and the delicacy of the matter when working with a real subject. I am shooting still's in the homes of my subjects so I have looked to other photographers to help me form a motif of my own. I hope you enjoy the work!

Peter Fraser
I like Fraser's observed and considered shots of the everyday and his ability to make them interesting to the viewer

Uta Barth

Uta Barth has been a huge influence on my work, she uses so little within her frame yet her images are beautiful, gentle and interesting, I like the pale muted colours and I also like her use of focus, or lack of focus should I say!

Mikael Kennedy

Mikael Kennedy uses Polaroid creatively and embraces its true characteristics like colour

William Eggleston

I have been greatly influenced by William Eggleston 'The godfather of colour', I have tried to take on his style when framing shots and tried not to photograph the same thing more than once so it becomes more loose and organic.

Stephen Shore

I recently came across the work of American photographer Stephen Shore, I like the sense of repetition in his work, he photographs the same things everywhere he goes; tv's, fridges, lamps, beds and other things found in the domestic home. He embraces colour and he uses a lot of flash in his work to do this. He cares little about framing and composition and the emphasis is on the subject.

Rinko Kawauchi

Kawauchi is one of Japan's most influential and prolific photographers. She photographs the moments which we usually miss in life and almost never photograph; most of these are scenes which occur everyday, her images are gentle and graceful but tell a whole different story too.

Hope you liked the work!